We’re a community that supports Muslim Women in Tech by telling our stories and coming together through mentorship and collaboration.

Who We Are
Supporting Muslim Women in Tech
We believe in the power of representation and sisterhood to empower women to feel fulfilled at work and to encourage more women to enter tech.
This is a community that celebrates the accomplishments of women in our community and invites inspiration through mentorship and collaboration.
We know the strength of this community. How strong and resilient we are. The obstacles we overcame just to get where we are now. Our generous hearts and our shared dream to use our skills to help others.
It’s time to share our stories to teach others (and remind ourselves) who Muslim women in tech are!
What We Do
Our positive and supportive Slack is filled with women from all around the world who know what you’re going through. It’s your space to ask questions, share your wins, or just hang out.
We interview women from our community to hear their stories and learn what makes them amazing Muslim women in tech. These interviews go deep! We learn about the struggles these women went through along with the wins.
Regularly published newsletters and inspiring content celebrating the accomplishments of our community. No need to worry about missing any of our latest stories! We promise to only send you content you’re going to love, just once every two weeks
Tech Sisters Stories
Tech Sisters is a community for Muslim women in tech, where shared stories, experiences, and goals remind us we’re not alone.

Season 2 Wrap Up
That’s a wrap on Season 2! 🎬 To celebrate, we changed the format of the episode a little bit. Grace …

Insha Tazeen – The More I’m Challenged, The More I Feel Motivated
How many of us got into tech not because we loved to code, but because we saw a problem and …

Sanaa Siddiqui – Creative Roles Are Part Of Tech Too
Three months into her first job after university, Sanna Siddiqui’s manager left, leaving all of the company’s PR and communications …

Reham Fawad – Be Your True Self When You Show Up To The World
A lot of people say they stumbled into their jobs – and we have a lot of podcast episodes with …
I had an amazing experience joining the Hackathon. I learnt so much and met amazing
sisters in the industry
I believe Tech Sisters is a very valuable community for Muslims. Not just Muslim women but the whole Muslim community, as women are what really builds and strengthens a community. I think any Muslim woman in tech will find benefit from it, whether for their career or networks to enrich their interactions. There’s really a lot to get from Tech Sisters!
I feel welcome and accepted as part of the community. Everyone is treated with respect and valued for their individual contributions.
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